Is India going to rule over disputed Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (POK)
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The disputed land of Jammu & Kashmir including Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (POK) & Akshai Chine has turned into a new path. This disputed land of POK since 1947 has still not resolved by both Indian & Pakistan government, but only few knows that Pakistan govt. has total power on POK by their time to time bills & amendments on Gilgit-Baltistan & Azad Jammu & Kashmir which are autonomous territories in POK.
One interesting fact about Pakistan is that their constitution has been destroyed three time in history
1. 1956 (Pakistan Constitution made)
2. 1962
3. 1970
4. 1974
So one can assume how feeble their constitution is. These are not amendments, these are the constitution rebuilding. Pakistan has never mentioned that POK is their part of land that's why they continuously protesting for whole Jammu & Kashmir at United Nation. But Pakistan has almost destroyed the autonomy of Gilgit-Baltistan & Azad Jammu & Kashmir has still their autonomy. Pakistan had already abrogated article 35 A (state subject rule) in Gilkit-Baltistan in 1984 but India did it in Jammu & Kashmir in 2019. Then in 2009, by a empowerment bill Pakistan has given all authority to rule to the President.
Recently what happened that POK came in news?
The Pakistan Govt. approached Supreme Court to hold assembly election in Gilkit-Baltistan but this decision came under High Court of Gilkit-Baltistan. In 2019 the power of High Court has been given to Supreme Court of Pakistan that's why Supreme Court have total power to take any decision on Gilkit-Baltistan without consent of High Court. India protested every time when Pakistan took decisions on POK. And this time also India has Protested on assembly election because India believe that POK region belongs to India & every decisions on POK will be made by India. Indian Govt. has written a letter to Pakistan Govt. & Supreme Court of Pakistan & given a stern message on POK assembly election.
But why Pakistan is doing assembly election in GIlkit-Baltistan?
Because Pakistan wants to make feel comfortable to China on POK. As China have invested billions of dollers in Pakistan on Belt & Road initiative, China have worry on POK disputed land. So Pakistan has given assurance to China on investment by controlling all powers of disputed POK.
From the post of The New York Times which has been published 10 years before, around 7000-11000 Chinese soldiers has been deployed in POK.
What India has done to counter Pakistan's decision to conduct assembly election in Gilkit-Baltistan?
To counter Pakistan's decision India set POK's land in their weather department forecast. Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) is an agency of the Ministry of Earth Sciences of the Govt. of India. IMD is also one of the six regional specialized meteorological centres of World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in the world to regulates weather forecast in Indian Ocean & South Asia. IMD's headquarter is located in Delhi. The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) will regularly show the weather forecast of Gilkit-Baltistan & Muzaffrabad on their website. From last Friday, DoorDarshan is also showing weather forecast of Gilkit-Baltistan & Muzffrabad in their daily weather forecast show. This will give a clear message to Pakistan that POK belongs to India. The same weather forecast can also be heard on All India Radio & sometimes it's also heard in POK.
These are the signs of Indian Govt. that he is going to take back POK from Pakistan & abrogation of Article 370 & 35A is an another sign.
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