Is China going be a WORLD LEADER beating USA in Power?

Is China going be a WORLD LEADER beating USA in Power?

Baca Juga

World Leader

In the current crisis of CoronaVirus which became pandemic now, China is the only country in the world which economic work is going normal as earlier. And every developed country in the world is blaming China for deliberately spread of Coronavirus. Where all the country are facing the problem of lockdown to make their citizens safe of Corona, there China is trying to make their economy robust by investing in various project in other countries like Pakistan (POK). 
On the other hand China is persuading other countries to follow One China policy in world. As we Taiwan recognizes itself a independent country call "The Republic of China" but The China believes Taiwan as a province of China. In Taiwan Democratic Progressive Party is ruling there & demanding their identity in world as continuously sharing their views on World stages.

China has encroached area of many countries like India (Akshai Chine), some islands of Japan & south china sea. But China always tell on International platform that these area belongs to China territory. Similarly, it happened with Taiwan. Taiwan has raised his voice on United Nation & some of his bodies for his independence & also urged in United Nation to give a permanent seat of United Nation general assembly but due to VETO power of China it never recognized as a country.
USA always give support to Taiwan on International stages due to tension with China in trade. And in the outrage of this pandemic some of the other developed countries like Australia, France, UK, Germany, Canada are giving open support to Taiwan on world platform to get China on back foot. Taiwan was the observing country from 2009 to 2018 of World Health Organization (WHO). 

WHO annually conduct a meeting called World Health Assembly, in which countries of the world participate & share their view on recent development on health sector in their country. In the meeting of WHO this year Taiwan also wants to participate as a country & it has full support of some of the developed countries. But China wants to block the entry of Taiwan by making diplomatic pressure on countries to refuge to support Taiwan. This year meeting is going to happen in 18th May & it'll be interesting to see the entry of Taiwan in WHO meeting.

To get the support of other countries to block entry of Taiwan, China is trying to persuade India & other countries to not give support to Taiwan. The Spokes person of China in Chinese embassy  in India Ji Rong is persuading Indian media to take a clear stance on one China policy & not recognize Taiwan as a country. Now it be amazing to see the stance of Indian media & Indian govt. on Taiwan entry. 
In my opinion India should make a robust policy on China, as China never recognized POK as Indian province & always supported Pakistan on making Dams on Indus river in POK without assent of India then why should India support China on Taiwan. China always provoked some issues of India like Kashmir issue on United Nation & China also blocked permanent seat of India in United Nation Security Council, Nuclear energy group. So it's a clear opportunity for India to get all this seat in blocking support to Taiwan. This is also a important factor by which China will become world leader.
What's your opinion on that, comment below. Is this a opportunity for India? 

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