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Have you ever think about that India too have a island where a tribe is being living from more than 60000 year. It's shocking that how a tribe is still alive without the touch the modern development, resources, technologies, but it's true, at the south east of India a island exist called "THE NORTH SENTINEL ISLAND" in the Andman Nikobar group of islands where a tribe with less than 100 people is living with no technology, no farming. Well how they are living with no resources.

They are alive on the sea food, coconut, wild animals & roots of trees. By the photos which have taken from the air there is no evidence of farming. Even they are used to eat raw fish & animals. By these eating habits their immune system is much weaker that it can easily affected by any virus especially the new novel coronavirus. 
These sentinelese people came to sentinel island from Africa before 60000 years in search of food & life. And when the water level of ocean risen they got stuck in sentinel island, from that time they have no contact with the external world. In 1956 Govt. of India declared north sentinel island as tribal reserve & prohibited travel within 3 miles (4.8 km) of it. It further maintains a constant armed petrol to prevent intrusions by outsiders.

There are several attempt to made contact with sentenelese has been tried from East India company (EIC), Govt. of India & researchers but all the they have either died or fled away from island. The very first attempt was made by EIC in 1771 then 1867. In 1867 a British fellow went on the island & captured 6 sentinelese people in which two parents & three children died due to human touch & weak immune system & one child got severely sick. By the order of Andman Nikobar island in charge he get back to sentinel with that sick child & with some gifts but he faced the outrage of sentinelese & got died by them. From that time sentinelese see human as their enemy.

Then Govt of India led a research under T.N. Pandit (1967-1991) but unfortunately got no success to make contact with sentinelese. In 1974, National Geographic also tried to make a documentary on sentinelese but they too faced attack from them by spears & arrows. In 2006, two fisherman went to illegally harvest crabs off North Sentinel Island & they got attacked by spears, axes & arrows by sentinelese & put their bodies on bamboo stakes facing to ocean like scarecrows. In search of fishermen one Indian Navy helicopter flown over the island & it too attacked by spears & arrows, then Indian Navy abandoned the mission.
Many pictures has been taken but due to the long distance their faces can't be seen clear. In 2018, a christian missionary name John Allen Chau sent by US christian missionary to make contact with sentinelese & converge them to christian. He made several attempt to make contact by subterfuge the Indian govt. & by giving bribe to some fishermen. In his last attempt he got killed by sentinelese & a fisherman saw dragging his body by sentinelese. Later police arrested 8 fishermen for helping John without assent of government.
That was the last attempt to make contact with Sentinelese. But why the North Sentinel Island is in news because it the only place in India where the Novel Coronavirus can't reach.

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