Fascinating Comet SWAN will pass near the Earth
The two most exquisite COMETS are going to pass near the Earth. Astronomer are continuously having their eyes on these two Comets name "The Swan" & "The Atlas". These two beautifully comets can be seen from Earth surface on 13th May & 23th May. Comet Swan could bright sky near you at night & it is going to happen after more than hundred years. A picture has been of posted which is taken by Chilescope of NASA. Scientists have seen such a long tail comets from a long time & those who are enthusiastic of Space & Technology will have a unforgettable day for them.
Above picture is of Comet Atlas which is broken gradually. The picture of Comet Atlas has taken by HUBBLE telescope of NASA. It is very difficult to estimate the size of Comet because it's mainly made of rock & ice. So as the Comet comes near the sun it's shape & size continuously changing. Comet Atlas is scattered in 30 pieces, data given by NASA.
Comet Swan was actually first spotted by a amateur astronomer Michael Mattiazzo on 11th April 2020 & the name Swan was given by him. This Comet is important for astronomer due to is peculiar colour & it's long tail. Well how this long tail being formed? So the answer is as any comet enters into the Solar System it's exposure to sun heat increases, due to this heat comet's ice get melt & it converts into vapour, forms a long tail as it moves.
Now the question is from where these comets come in our Solar system? Well our Solar system is enormous & outside the Solar system a belt is located called Kuiper Belt where trillions of comets are revolving around the Solar system & some Comets dislocate their path & come to our Solar system. It takes 200-300 years for a comet to come near the Earth from Kuiper Belt. A picture has been given of Kuiper Belt for better visualization.
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