Why is Nepal giving anti-India Statement?

Why is Nepal giving anti-India Statement?

Baca Juga

Nepal's Statement on India

India-Nepal friendship is growing from more than two century, but in the past few month, Nepal's policy on India is diverted from pro-India to anti-India. This is because the increasing involvement of China on Nepal's political gimmick.

A article from Economics Times, in which, Nepal's PM, K.P. Sharma Oli is stating that Indian Coronavirus is more lethal than Chinese. It's a very irresponsible statement came from Nepal's highest authority on India. This a time for every countries to come together to fight against coronavirus, but this statement might make a halt on all facilities & help providing to Nepal by India. When all the world is making statement against China & accusing him on spreading coronavirus, there India is trying to help each & every country by providing Hydroxychloroquine, mask & PPE kit without blaming to anyone. India is trying to eradicate the discrimination & racism to coronavirus infected people. But Nepal's stand can deteriorate the relation between both countries. Nepal says, Indian opposition parties deliberately entering infected people through illegal channels into Nepal. This could increase the discrimination & racism on Indians living in Nepal.
The current coronavirus cases in Nepal is 444 & death is 2.
One another odd statement came three days earlier from Nepal, stating India's Kalapani territory belongs to Nepal & in his new map they are showing Kalapani territory in their region.

In the north-west of Nepal, a Kalapani territory situated. This could be seen in the new map of Nepal. India put a harsh statement on this action of Nepal & said, "This unilateral act is not based on historical facts & evidence. It is contrary to the bilateral understanding. Such artificial enlargement of territorial claims will not be accepted by India." 
I want to mention one recent help provided to Nepal, when India gifted 23 tonnes of essential medicines, while on the same time India was selling it's medicines to other countries.

Now the question is, why Nepal is giving such kind of statement? so, the answer is, when Nepal's ruling party "Nepal Communist Party" dissect into two parts, some month before, then there were possibility to loose the Chair on KP Sharma Oli, that time a weird a weird incident happened. Chinese envoy to Nepal, calls for unity among ruling party members & this left a great impact on geopolitics of Nepal & Oli became debtor of help of China on saving his PM seat. So, the involvement & influence of China can be understand in Nepal's internal politics. That's why, what China wants to say against India, taking the shoulder of Nepal & making these statements & KP Oli is buying all decisions of China.


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